Hartley Magazine

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Pantyhose ‘ideal for tomato growing’

A gardening expert has suggested that pantyhose may be the ideal tool for growing tomatoes.

However, it must be pointed out that Detroit Organic Gardening Examiner writer Bill Canaday simply suggested gardeners use the undergarments to tie tomato plants to their stakes.

Mr Canaday has found that the legs from tights are the ideal material for securing the plants as their open weave allows air and moisture in and out, while not supporting bacteria or bugs that could harm the crop.

“They don‘t chafe or cut the vine,” he wrote. “They are recycled and that means that they are both environmentally sound and free.”

According to the garden expert, many of the tips he has picked up along the years have either been free or very cheap and easy to do.

He also suggests electrical cabling can be used as a substitute where no pantyhose are available.

Growing food like tomatoes may become even more popular in the US after Michelle Obama, assisted by a group of Washington school children, broke ground on the White House‘s new vegetable patch on Friday (March 20th).