Hartley Magazine

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Create an attractive autumn garden

Garden and greenhouse enthusiasts in Kansas have been given tips on how to make their outdoor space aesthetically pleasing in autumn.

According to the Daily Press, growers should make the most of containers by creating a tapestry of fall colours on porches, patios and among the evergreens.

It spoke to Ball Horticultural business manager Joan Mazat, who gave readers a number of hints on how to get the best out of their green space.

She advised gardeners to pack their containers full of plants as the reduced sunlight in autumn means that growth will not be as vigorous and therefore thinner pots could look empty.

"Mix it up," Ms Mazat told the newspaper. "Lettuce and spinach varieties like the cooler temperatures of fall. Don't be afraid to mix edibles with flowers."

The expert suggested that pansies and violas can inject colour into the garden, while perennials like asters and goldenrod can also be added to the equation.

In other news, the Kansas City Star recently revealed how a local firm has transformed an empty lot into a community garden.