No one ever said gardening is an easy pastime. Enjoyable, yes. Hard work, sometimes.
Every gardener will tell you that the first time they got their hands covered in soil and started removing weeds from their patch they were left aching all over.
The humble pastime of growing your own food can be tough at times – at least to begin with – and it will definitely exercise muscles that you didn't even know you had.
Once you get into the swing of things, however, it will be the equivalent of a mild workout and can help you stay in tip-top shape.
The exercise aspect of gardening is one of the other, less talked about benefits. And, unlike going to the gym, doing a spot of gardening will also ensure you fill your lungs with fresh air and get some much-needed sunshine, which will help top up vitamin D levels.
And with summer approaching – in the north at least – there has never been a better time for doing a workout in the garden.
The great thing is that when you're done weeding, you don't need to head into the sauna to unwind, you can just relax on your patio.
Keen gardener Barb Herreid spoke to the Wisconsin Rapids Tribune about the benefits of gardening on her health, stating that there are few tips and tricks that will help gardeners keep their energy levels up when pruning and raking.
"I … have started to try and take a ten-minute break every hour or at least every two hours," Herreid said.
She told the news provider: "That kind of helps your stamina, too, so that you're not totally overdoing it."
Mrs Herreid also pointed out the importance of lifting properly – when shifting things such as heavy growbags around.
"I try and make sure I remember to lift with my legs, rather than my back, especially if I am shoveling or picking up heavy pots," she concluded.