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Treat gardening like a sport, doctor advises

Gardening and greenhouse enthusiasts should treat cultivating their plants as a sport and prepare their body accordingly, a doctor has said.

According to physical health expert Dr Michael Jones, back pain is the most common ailment that is overlooked, The Leader Corning reports.

To combat this type of pain, it is vital to bend down properly when lifting and stand up straight when pushing a mower, he stated.

Dr Jones went on to say that sitting down rather than bending down is the best way to tackle weeds, with the legs crossed.

"Most importantly for the hot and humid summers, be sure to drink plenty of water and take frequent breaks to prevent overheating," he added.

Five to ten minutes of light stretching before gardening can help loosen the muscles, the expert continued, adding: "A lack of flexibility in the hamstrings and lower back can make you more prone to post-gardening pain."

According to a recent report by the American Heart Association, 150 minutes of moderate exercise such as gardening each week can reduce the possibility of life-threatening coronary problems by 14 percent.