Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Depression ‘can be beaten by gardening’

Stepping outside and getting to work with the garden tools can be a great way for people to cheer themselves up if they are feeling down. Indeed, Sir Richard Thompson, president of the Royal College of Physicians across the pond in the UK, is calling on doctors to start prescribing a session outdoors as a […]

Drought-tolerant plants great for gardeners in hot climates

Drought-tolerant plants could be the perfect solution for people who are struggling to maintain their garden in hotter parts of the US. There are plenty of suitable varieties on offer, it is simply a question of selecting one that is most appropriate for the space available. Climbers are likely to be a top choice for […]

What’s Going On

I’d already planned to write about global warming when White Flower Farm’s e-mail scooped me! I suspect this subject has been sitting front and center in most northeastern gardeners’ minds since the weather of the past few weeks arrived. The upshot of WFF’s message is that based upon the latest Department of Agriculture study, we […]

Gardens ‘can counter climate change’

Gardens can be used to counter the impact of climate change, particularly for people who live in built-up urban areas. The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) notes that this will be a generally positive trend for city landscapes. In order to raise awareness of this, the gardening charity is hosting an Environment exhibit at its forthcoming […]

Take inspiration from Flower Show gardens

There are plenty of places gardeners can look to take inspiration on how to give their outdoor space a distinctive edge. Events such as competitions are a prime example, as there are often a lot of unusual design and arrangement ideas on display. With the Royal Horticultural Society’s Chelsea Flower Show set to take place […]

Make the Most of your Garden Show Experience— Sunset Garden Editor Kathleen Brenzel tells how

“Every garden starts with inspiration, and you can find lots of inspired ideas at garden shows,” says Kathleen Norris Brenzel, editor of the just-published ninth edition of The New Sunset Western Garden Book. She should know. As Sunset Magazine’s Garden Editor, Kathleen has judged countless show display gardens and presented many excellent talks on the […]

Guest Post – The Golden Age of Greenhouses by Roger Marshall

The golden age of greenhouses could easily be said to have been before World War One when huge greenhouses dominated gentrified England. The carnage of WWI ended this golden age when so many men were killed that after the war there were not enough people to run the vast glass and cast iron emporiums. Many […]

Why not grow orchids in a glasshouse?

Glasshouse owners could follow the lead of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) in the UK and take advantage of the hot green space to nurture plants that may not grow as successfully in outdoor conditions. The orchid is one example of such a flower and the RHS will be celebrating it with an event entitled […]

Ordering Seeds

Like many gardeners, each winter I eagerly anticipate perusing the new pile of catalogs and putting together this year’s seed orders. And I have my favorites. I’ve come to depend on the Totally Tomatoes catalog, for instance, for the majority of tomato varieties I order each year, and I’ve been impressed by new peppers they’ve […]