Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

How to save money in the garden

Getting your green fingers dirty in the garden and greenhouse can be a satisfying, but sometimes expensive pastime. With this in mind, a website has published a number of tips on how to save money when growing your favourite flowers, fruits or vegetables. According to creditunionsonline.com, gardening in itself can be “a great way to […]

Strawberry growing advice

Garden and greenhouse enthusiasts who grow their own strawberries may be interested in advice published recently by the News Tribune. According to the online resource, there are generally two types of strawberries to choose from – those which yield a steady stream of berries throughout the summer and others that produce a large harvest in […]

Do organic lawns protect children?

With New York governor David Patterson recently making it compulsory for schools to ban pesticides on playgrounds and playing fields, parents may be forgiven for worrying about their own lawn. The Bedford-Katonah Patch recently looked at the merits of switching to organic materials when caring for the grass in your yard. It revealed that a […]

Grafted Vegetables – You’re going to want them

Grafted what? OK, as home gardeners, most of us are familiar with grafting apples, roses or grapes for disease resistance and vigor. But right now, around the world—from Japan to India, Israel to Greece and New Zealand—commercial growers are grafting hybrid rootstocks (bottoms) to single-season scions (tops) like watermelons, eggplants or tomatoes. Within a few […]

Garden and greenhouse fans contribute tips

Garden and greenhouse enthusiasts were recently asked to contribute their best tips to a horticultural website, which has published a list of the ten top hints. Gather.com members suggested that those new to growing start off small, with growing in pots a good place to begin. This is a good way to master the basics […]