Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Warm weather ‘brings new planting options’

It is a well-known fact that gardening is one activity that is very dependent on the weather. However, green-fingered individuals could be able to turn this trend to their advantage and look at nurturing plants that can make the most of the hotter conditions that are just around the corner. Indeed, back in January, horticultural […]

Gardens ‘can create an inviting habitat for wildlife’

It will not take a lot of wok for a keen gardener to turn their green space into an inviting area for local wildlife. This could make a really great project to undertake and it is particularly appropriate in spring, when creatures such as butterflies are starting to come out. Author of The Family Butterfly […]

Vegetable gardening ‘needn’t be a big commitment’

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse can be quite a commitment, but there is no need for it to be a massively stressful and time consuming task. One of the key advantages of a glasshouse brings to growing plants is that it can allow the gardener a space to work on varieties that require different climate […]

Gardens ‘can create certain moods’

Gardens can be styled in a wide range of highly creative ways, many of which can be tailored to recreate certain moods. For example, designer Jo Thompson's main garden for the UK Royal Horticultural Society's Chelsea show offers a nostalgic feel with a contemporary twist. She is a highly acclaimed gardener, having won a silver […]

Gardeners can take inspiration from literary novels

Creative gardeners can look to a wide range of sources when seeking inspiration for their green space. For instance, a number of designers have modelled their entries into the UK Royal Horticultural Society's (RHS's) Chelsea Flower Show on works of literature. Tracy Foster has created The Welcome to Yorkshire Garden, which takes ideas from the […]

What’s Worse Than This Bug’s Bite?

Already embattled by climactic changes that threaten to turn our seasons upside down, gardeners might not welcome the news of other threats on the world horizon– but these are challenging times. Before the 1970’s who would have guessed that suburban Connecticut could become the epicenter of a disease humans contracted through contact with the natural […]

The Subject is Roses – Will new roses keep coming to the marketplace?

Tough economic times seem to be hitting the rose industry like an outbreak of black spot on a damp morning. After bankruptcy reorganization, Jackson & Perkins was acquired by J&P Park Acquisitions Inc. Weeks Wholesale Roses was bought and reorganized in 2011 by Gardens Alive. Other growers have consolidated or simply shut their greenhouse doors. […]

New York Botanical Garden offers inspiration

The New York Botanical Garden could offer green-fingered individuals across the US a great source of inspiration It has a constantly changing range of displays, so is always worth a look when considering new themes for your own garden. The Orchid Show: Patrick Blanc's Vertical Gardens is said to be a particularly breathtaking attraction, forming […]

Depression ‘can be beaten by gardening’

Stepping outside and getting to work with the garden tools can be a great way for people to cheer themselves up if they are feeling down. Indeed, Sir Richard Thompson, president of the Royal College of Physicians across the pond in the UK, is calling on doctors to start prescribing a session outdoors as a […]