Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts


Education with an Expert – Why You Need a Garden Designer in Your Life

A few months ago I was walking the aisles of the San Francisco Flower & Garden Show, inspired by all the great ideas on display. But I had a garden conundrum of my own, and I couldn’t figure out how to solve it. Twenty-two years ago I had planned and planted my garden. Two long […]


The Saga of Wilson and the White Dove Tree

  Last month in this column, I talked about modern-day plant hunter Dan Hinkley. One of his favorite plants is the white dove tree (Davidia involucrata). This month, the white dove tree is blooming in my garden. Festoons of white-green bracts look like wings. They shelter round black inch-wide flowers that could resemble doves’ eyes. […]


On the Hunt for Rare and Unusual Plants

Dan Hinkley’s suggestions turn gardeners into plant hunters  Any plant Dan Hinkley likes, I want. And I’m not alone. When this world-class plant explorer spoke at the Northwest Flower & Garden Show on “Dan Hinkley’s Favorite 25 Plants,” the room was packed. As he reeled off the names of his choices, Dan never outlined cultivation […]


Five Great Trees—these choice arboreal show-stoppers won’t outgrow their welcome

With trees, size matters. Sometimes towering behemoths block light to gardens and greenhouses. Pruning with a chainsaw may be the only option. Or sometimes a lack of trees results in homes and outbuildings bereft of unifying plantings.  In both cases, the best garden design strategy—plant the right-sized trees now. I talked with Nancy Buley, Communications […]

Five Mistakes Seed Sowers Make—Rose Marie Nichols-McGee Tells How to Get it Right

It’s indoor seed sowing time! Whether you set up a small table, or a full-size greenhouse, seed starting can sometimes be fraught with challenges. Just when you think your seedlings are growing well, they can turn up their toes. It all comes down to the fungus among us, says Rose Marie Nichols-McGee, president of Nichols […]

Indoor Gardening Gifts – Unusual Ideas for Holiday Presents

Whether gardeners bring favorite houseplants to a sunny windowsill, or retire them to a greenhouse for winter enjoyment, the act of gardening still goes on in the colder months. So here are some practical—and often overlooked—indoor gardening gifts to add to your list. Cachepots: Humble pots can be slipped inside these beautiful containers. Choose them […]


Art Glass for Glass Houses—Tuck colorful pieces among your indoor plants for added cheer

Glass and gardens are great partners. The dynamics of blown glass capture the echoes of plant growth. I love to see the gleam of glass—small colorful float balls tucked into containers; robust spears stretching upward as focal points; bright dishes spreading open like lilies to capture rainwater among the foliage. But it wasn’t until I […]


Gardens as an Emotional Experience

Colin Cabot was standing at the edge of a steep ravine in the gardens of Les Quatre Vents (The Four Winds). A swaying Nepalese-style rope bridge hung in a downward arc between the ravine’s precipitous banks. “Who wants to go first?” Colin was leading forty of us garden writers and photographers on a private tour […]

Great Summer Gardening Advice From the Best—Marietta and Ernie O’Byrne Weed and Talk

It’s not often I get to interview two expert gardeners while they are actually gardening. On this hot Oregon summer morning, I meet Marietta and Ernie O’Byrne, developers of Winter Jewels™ hellebores, at their wholesale Northwest Garden Nursery. Next year’s hellebore crop is already sheltered in a row of greenhouses beside the garden where Marietta […]

Don’t Miss Great Plant Picks—a Northwest website that’s good for gardeners everywhere

Hunting for new ornamental plants? The web is a terrific place to start. But good, reliable sources don’t always pop up first in a Google search. So, here’s the Northwest’s best-kept internet gardening secret—Great Plant Picks. Started in 2001 as an outreach educational arm of the Elisabeth Carey Miller Botanical Garden in Seattle, Great Plant […]

On the Hunt for Unusual Edible Plants—author Ellen Zachos shows how

Who knew you could be an intrepid plant hunter in your own backyard? Ellen Zachos, that’s who. In her new book, Backyard Foraging—65 Familiar Plants You Didn’t Know You Could Eat, Ellen describes a variety of edibles, from the more common—Jerusalem artichokes, elderberries and crab apples—to those in the “who knew?” category. Written in an […]

Solve Horticultural Conundrums with a Handy App—Editor Kathleen Brenzel Tells How

Why consider a gardening app? Let’s compare: The New Sunset Western Garden Book costs $23.47 at Amazon, features 768 pages, and weighs four pounds. The New Sunset Western Garden Book mobile app costs $19.99 through Inkling, totals one gigabyte, and weighs—well, how heavy is your phone or iPad? While the Sunset Western Garden Book has long been […]