Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Greenhouses are indispensable for growing auriculas

Gardeners are clearly spoilt for choice when it comes to picking out a set of plants – and never is this truer than for the greenhouse grower.  These controlled environments give the individual an unparalleled degree of control over the kind of conditions plants are subject to – and this has many advantages.  For instance, it […]


Is the younger generation clueless on gardening?

Gardening can be a very relaxing activity – especially in warmer climates like this one, when there is so much in bloom that it can be difficult to work out where best to start. However, it would appear that this impression might not be passed on to younger generations, as a new study has indicated […]

Setting greenhouses up for summer months

The delights of the fast-approaching summer months are likely to get green-fingered individuals in the mood to get their hands dirty in the garden, potting plants and making necessary additions to their greenhouses. But for many horticultural enthusiasts, this time of the year can mean drumming up inspiration for the direction to take their outdoor […]


How to control greenhouse whitefly

Greenhouse whitefly – or Trialeurodes vaporariorumm to give it its binomial name – is a common pest for gardeners. The insects inhabit most of the world’s temperate regions – and is a big fan of feeding on fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops. Cucumber, melon, tomato and peppers are common victims of whitefly, as well as […]

How can you make the most of parsley?

Parsley is a very popular herb – and while this is undoubtedly due to a combination of factors, its use in a wide range of culinary dishes and low maintenance when growing are key.  It is native to the central Mediterranean region, although it has become naturalised throughout most of the rest of Europe. Its […]

Big pots are a versatile addition to a greenhouse

Greenhouses offer gardeners so many advantages. The very nature of them means that green-fingered enthusiasts and gardening professionals alike have so much more control over the conditions their plants are exposed to. This means that many different kinds of growth can even be nurtured at a time when they would usually be out of season, […]

Want to grow robust plants? Give them a blast of Black Sabbath

Greenhouse growers are regularly offered so many tips for how they can get the most out of their plants that it can be very difficult to navigate them all and come up with a consistent method.  This kind of difficulty is only exacerbated when some of these tips appear to contradict each other. However, one […]


Greenhouse work could improve wellbeing, study suggests

An individual who gets to work in a greenhouse could enjoy greater wellbeing than their city-dwelling counterparts who do not have the same surroundings, according to the findings of a new report. The research has been published in the academic journal Psychological Science – and it was carried out by Dr Mathew White, who works […]

Delosperma is very attractive for pollinators

With spring finally here, green-fingered enthusiasts and gardening professionals alike will undoubtedly be keen to prepare for the brighter weather on the horizon. Attracting pollinators can be a key consideration at this time of year, as the creatures behind this process offer a great deal for gardeners. Pollination is a process by which pollen is […]

Plenty of options for gardeners fighting box blight

Box is a very popular form of topiary that is often used as an alternative to hedgerows. It can line borders beautifully and is noted for it very distinctive scent, which is beloved by many gardening professionals and green-fingered enthusiasts alike. Its Latin binomial name is Buxus sempervirens – and it is an evergreen shrub […]

Fruit cages can be a great complement to a greenhouse

The greenhouse is a controlled environment that is ideal for growing plants requiring closer attention than others and are not as tolerant to unpredictable conditions that the climate might throw at them. Indeed, it is a wonderful way for green-fingered enthusiasts and gardening professionals alike to work – so much so that it might be […]