Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Asparagus ‘needs lots of compost’

Greenhouse planting can be a delightful experience, as it offers the gardener a near-total degree of control over the environment conditions that their plants are subject to. This means that it is possible to grow a much more diverse variety of species out of season, as well as in environments that are not necessarily native […]

Terrariums ‘are wonderful closed garden spaces’

As greenhouse growers will be well aware, it can be tremendously satisfying to get to work with plants in a controlled environment. This is particularly the case in colder times of the year such as those that are being experienced right now. Indeed, the gardener will have a much greater degree of choice when it […]

Vegetable growing ‘can lead to health benefits’

When growing plants in greenhouses, there is a very wide range of benefits that green-fingered enthusiasts stand to gain from. It all depends on what the controlled environment is expected to be used for – and one of the most popular solutions is vegetable growing. There are clearly many reasons for this – not least […]

Watercress could be ideal for the greenhouse

Greenhouses offer a very diverse range of benefits for green-fingered enthusiasts, not least of which is the ability to grow a wide variety of plants out of their natural habitat. This can be an ideal solution for those who want to grow things that are typically found in conditions that do not approximate the natural […]

Lilies are gorgeous summer flowers

Lilies are absolutely gorgeous flowers that have been very popular with green-fingered enthusiasts for many years. The moniker lily – or lilium – refers to a genus of herbaceous flowering plants that grow from bulbs and they are all characterised by very large and prominent flowers. Its Latin binominal name lilium is derived from the […]

Greenhouses ‘are great in the winter’

Winter can be a very frustrating time for gardening enthusiasts, as the range of activities that they can be getting on with becomes severely limited. Greenhouses are a great way of getting around this, as they are controlled environments that can allow the gardener to maintain some plants out of their traditional season. Temperature, levels […]

Hellebores ‘are a very important plant’

There is so much to do in a garden this winter that it can be very difficult for green-fingered enthusiasts to narrow down their to-do list. However, the importance of planting in the colder months cannot be overstated – as sowing seeds now is essential to the development of certain plants. Chief horticultural adviser for […]

Water conservation ‘is important in a greenhouse’

Scientists are still unsure about whether or not global warming will become evident in our climate in the coming years, as well as exactly what impact it will have if it does. However, it’s fair to say that we’ve been forced to put up with some pretty variable weather lately, from torrential rain and associated […]

Gardeners ‘can change focus in 2013’

There are trends in the worlds of fashion and interior design each year, so you might be interested to hear that gardening is no different – 2013 is likely to usher in a host of new approaches that you could adopt yourself to liven up your green space. Horticultural experts spoke to British newspaper the […]

Soil ‘is an important consideration in a greenhouse’

Soil is one of the key considerations that gardeners should spare some thought to when it comes to the maintenance of their greenhouse. Indeed, it can be a tricky job – often a much more fiddly task than caring for and changing the soil on a traditional garden border. British plant pathologist Pippa Greenwood said […]

Christmas Cacti ‘are very low maintenance’

While the colder winter months may be setting in, there are still plenty of activities for green-fingered enthusiasts to be getting on with. Indeed, some plants grow very well at this time of year and require more attention than might be the case in the summer months. For instance, Christmas Cactus is a very popular […]

Greenhouses need protection from frost

Green-fingered enthusiasts simply cannot afford to rest on their laurels and leave their garden to its own fate in the colder winter months. For instance, it is hugely important to take steps toward protecting plants from frosts – and this is particularly the case in greenhouses. These controlled spaces are designed to store solar heat. […]