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Gardening and Microclimates

Last year the US Department of Agriculture released a new Plant Hardiness Zone Map, which is based on average minimum winter temperatures over the prior 10 years. Most locations were given a somewhat higher categorization on this new map to account for global warming. So, because of ongoing climate change, gardeners may be seeing earlier […]

Curl Up and Read – Books that will change the way you think about plants

For gardeners in most parts of the country, January is a slower time—a time of reflection, of list-making, of planning for the future, whether for your greenhouse or your garden. And what better way to expand your horizons than by putting your nose in a good book? Or engaging your ears while you potter about […]

Shrubs Complete the Garden Picture

As my garden in Colorado has matured, so have I, and the post-Christmas lull and polar vortex winter has given me thinking time, a chance to identify “improvements” in the aid of slow and low maintenance, and to read a book or five, including Shrouded in Light: Naturalistic Planting Inspired by Wild Shrublands, a book […]

Socks – Unusual but practical gifts for anyone who works in a greenhouse

Many gardeners are particular about protecting their hands with gloves for different jobs. But what about their feet? Anyone familiar with a greenhouse knows that the coolest part is at floor level. Boots or shoes can only go so far. If you stand around for any time on those floors, your feet will be getting […]

Forcing Bulbs in the Greenhouse

One of the best benefits of a greenhouse is bringing bulbs to bloom at the time when you most need them—décor, a celebration, or just for cheer in the darkest winter days. This month I’m talking with Brent Heath, the eponymous head of the family-owned mail order business, Brent and Becky’s. After an amazing number […]

Success with Amaryllis in the Greenhouse

It’s bulb season. This will be a two-part column about how to enjoy growing bulbs inside a glasshouse. Most of this advice will also be useful for growing on a sunny windowsill. Next month I will talk about forcing other tender and hardy bulbs indoors. But this month, I’m talking about Amaryllis with Christian Curless, […]