Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in United Kingdom


A NEW GREENHOUSE DESIGN FROM THE HARTLEY BOTANIC HISTORICALLY-INSPIRED HERITAGE RANGE Hartley Botanic are pleased to add a new design to the popular Heritage range. The new Hartley Botanic Wisley 8 Grow & Store combines the 4-pane Wisley Greenhouse, an iconic design based on one of the 84-year-old company’s original models, with a useful partitioned-off, 2-pane storage area. […]

Growing Dahlias in Your Greenhouse

Dahlias come in many colors, shapes, and sizes, which is a major reason for their popularity. If you’re a fan of huge flowers, you can grow dinner-plate variety dahlias, with blooms up to a foot across. If compact blooms are your preference, you can grow small, pompom dahlias with tight flowers balls only about two […]

Written in United Kingdom

Plumbago, not a pain but a flower

Not introduced into our greenhouses and conservatories till 1818 when it was brought from the Cape of Good Hope now known as South Africa. Leadwort, Plumbago, soon became very popular with Victorian gardeners. A lax climbing shrub this can bloom non-stop from the end of winter right through until winter returns again. Without doubt this […]

Written in United Kingdom

Sow simple

‘Expert’ advice is good for filling column inches and boosting social media profiles – but much of it is altogether less useful when it comes to getting new gardeners growing. Whatever happened to simplicity, to straightforwardness, to easiness – especially in our gardens and greenhouses? Amid spring’s usual gardening febrility, there’s a noticeable explosion of […]

Written in United Kingdom

Making the Most of your Hartley Greenhouse

I regret to say that I only have a modest, unheated Hartley greenhouse, although I fantasise about bigger and better on an almost daily basis. However, my greenhouse serves me well in every season, despite its size, because it captures precocious warmth and sunlight. The air inside is often degrees warmer in winter and early […]