Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in United Kingdom

What to grow in your first greenhouse?

Jean Vernon explores some of the plants that are ideal for your first greenhouse Let’s be honest, what’s the first plant that springs to mind when you think of a greenhouse? Chances are it’s tomatoes, and while they can be high maintenance there are ways to succeeding with tomatoes AND there is nothing tastier than […]

Fabulous Plants Depend on Great Dirt

A plant’s performance is often tied to the quality of the soil it’s growing in. According to Elizabeth Murphy, soil scientist, gardener, and author of Building Soil—A Down to Earth Approach, certain steps can be taken to modify garden soil. But what about purchased potting mixes that are the mainstay of containers, raised beds, and, […]

Written in United Kingdom

What has beautiful flowers, stunning colour & tasty fruits?

Seldom found in glasshouses or conservatories this compact shrub is near ideally suited. Although requiring lime free compost and rainwater this’s not much disadvantage as tub culture is so easy and allows the plants to be moved outdoors for those months when they’re dormant. Beautiful flowers? Yes, like large white heather bells these bloom on […]

Written in United Kingdom

Potting on and hardening off.

Sow: outdoor cucumber, marrow, squashes, pumpkins on edge, individually in 7.5cm pots plus French and Runner beans and Sweetcorn in gentle heat in multipurpose compost in a propagator. Tie in the leading shoots of tomatoes, peppers and aubergines as they grow to support growing stems. Continue to prick out and pot on seedlings, gradually increasing […]