Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Autumn hints for perennial growers

The autumn is a time for dividing plants, getting bulbs in the ground and planting trees and shrubs, garden and greenhouse enthusiasts have been told. According to Horticulture magazine, storing perennials such as cannas over winter can be a tricky business. It noted that Caladium are intolerant of cold earth and should be carefully dug […]

Save cash by ditching the lawn

Garden and greenhouse enthusiasts have been given some horticulture tips to help them cut down on their contributions to the estimated $40 billion per year that is spent on lawn care in the US. According to Bureau of Labour Statistics figures, the average American also spends approximately 73 hours per year looking after their grass […]

Got Clay Soil? Gravel to the Rescue

September is often touted as the month when you can plant hardy perennials, shrubs and trees, giving their root systems a good start while the soil is warm. Even if you’re already thinking about restocking the greenhouse, you can still prepare your outdoor garden by adding amendments, and loosening the ground to get a jump-start […]

How to deal with surplus produce

Garden and greenhouse enthusiasts who have been growing their own fruit and vegetables and find themselves with an abundance of extra produce face a common problem. However, KitchenAid believes its products offer the ideal solution that will allow growers to enjoy the fruits of their labour well into winter. The firm explained that there are […]

Gardeners urged to check for Dutch elm disease

American garden and greenhouse enthusiasts have been warned to watch out for signs of Dutch elm disease. The fungus can attach to American elms, cutting off their source of hydration by blocking their vascular system from the inside. According to the De Soto Explorer, the disease is transferred by two species of beetles that feed […]

How to prolong your life as a gardener

Garden and greenhouse owners need not give up their horticultural hobby as they get older, it has been claimed. According to the Jackson Citizen Patriot, growers can prolong their life as a gardener by making changes to the way they operate, reducing their workload. One key way to do this is by using containers, which […]

Time to persevere in the garden and greenhouse

Garden and greenhouse enthusiasts have been told to persevere with their weeding and watering activities to prolong the life of their plants. Those who love their garden and greenhouse but are growing tired of watering and weeding have been encouraged to persevere. According to the News Sentinel's Jane Ford, sticking with these activities will help […]