Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Grow Fabulous Roses in Containers—Anne Reeves Shares her Secrets

“Roses don’t like to live in pots. They all want their feet in the ground.” I thought that old rose adage was true—until I met author, photographer, and blogger, Anne Reeves. Her home garden in the Seattle area is overflowing with roses in containers. And many have been thriving for years in their pots—so I […]

Tips for Easier Summer Gardening—When tasks are huge, go small

Each year, at some moment in the gardening season, I’m overwhelmed by what needs to be done. The weeds are burgeoning, the midday heat limits my garden time, and every border or bed demands attention. But I have a work-around for overwhelm. The secret? I think small. I choose one area, one tiny area, and […]

Must-Have Plants—Four Experts Share their Best

This is the month when gardeners enjoy adding to their collection of plants. So, I’ve called on knowledgeable colleagues from different parts of the country, to find out what they can’t live without. When I asked them to name two, one person replied, “That’s like picking a favorite child!” With a lot of culling and […]

Extreme Container Gardening – Christina Salwitz Tells How

This month you may be bringing along your container plants in the greenhouse or choosing them at nurseries. But not all outdoor locations are ideal for planting in pots, so I’m turning to Christina Salwitz for advice. She’s known as The Personal Garden Coach, as well as a horticulturist, garden designer, photographer, and co-author of […]

Why Buy Organic Seeds?

I’ve always been an organic gardener. Partly, it’s out of laziness—I’ll do just about anything—including pulling bindweed—before I’ll mix chemicals. Partly, it’s because over the years I’ve become more and more convinced that organic practices are better for me, my family, and everything living on this small patch of earth I’ve called home. However, organic […]

Grow Food in the Greenhouse Year-Round—good ideas from Niki Jabbour

It might be cold right now, but this is the time of year when gardening fever hits.  You want to plant something—NOW. And what better way to satisfy your cravings than to grow something to eat, protected from inclement temperatures and rough weather? Niki Jabbour knows all about that. She lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, […]

The Organization Challenge—Small Steps Bring Big Rewards

In times of chaos, gaining control over even one tiny part of your life can be a positive experience. And organizing your garden shed or greenhouse is a great place to start. Organization is about efficiency. Can you find it when you need it? There’s a lot of advice out there, but here are some […]

Wild Foraged Plants You Can Start in a Greenhouse

Ellen Zachos knows how to look for what others might overlook. She’s author of several books, including Backyard Foraging: 65 Familiar Plants You Didn’t Know You Could Eat. Her newest book The Forager’s Pantry: Cooking with Wild Edibles will be out in April, 2021. What’s her definition of foraging? She laughs. “Some people think it’s […]

Orna-edibles—Combine beauty and flavor in the same plant.

With the new interest in food growing that has arisen in these uncertain times, many gardeners want plants that look attractive in their garden or greenhouse but are also good to eat. While all well-grown vegetables have a lovely look—I’m thinking of a row of cabbage, or a square foot carpet of cut-and-come-again greens—some vegetables […]