Being of highly conductive Aluminium, Hartley Greenhouses would readily conduct lightning to ground if struck. Additionally, the larger Victorian structures are anchored with steel or stainless steel rods at the main frame positions and these route either partially or fully down through the wall (as on a Victorian Lodge – 8 positions). As we have no recorded instance of one of our structures ever being hit, we cannot give any estimate of the likely damage that would occur should this happen. A lightning rod may reduce the likelihood of severe damage, but as we have no established product in this area, sourcing, installation and maintenance would be entirely the owners responsibility. We cannot advise that a Hartley Glasshouse be used as a safe haven during an electrical storm, but being inside would be better than no shelter at all as long as contact with the metalwork is avoided. For more information on safe havens please follow this link
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Posted in: Preparing the site for a Hartley Greenhouse