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Written in United Kingdom

Grow you own button-hole blooms

Our greenhouses are graced with many from the Malvaceae family: Abutilons, Okra, Sorrel and Hibiscus, all somewhat resembling our wild Mallows possessing mucilaginous sap and attractive flowers. Amongst these the tropical Hibiscus are famously large, flamboyant and popular as cut flowers so often seen in tropical hotels as slow to wilt in the heat. And […]

Written in United Kingdom


An almost forgotten scented plant ideal for a greenhouse is Mignonette. Allegedly a ’discovery’ of Napoleon, who sent seed to Empress Josephine from his Egyptian campaign in 1798 (Reseda odorata grows wild in N. Africa). Her followers adopted Mignonette (French for ‘little darling’) which soon became fashionable, especially in pots for perfuming balconies and terraces. […]