Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in United Kingdom

Touch-down flowers

Provide landing pads for insect pollinators and predators and your garden will be first stop for their services. Storm Aileen has scooted through, the land is a sodden sponge, and I’m out photographing red admirals in a dry crack between September’s relentless downpours. A whole troupe of Vanessa atalanta seems to have blown in with Aileen: seven, […]

Beans—Easy to grow, nourishing comfort food, and gorgeous!

Stephanie Niedermyer is a bean farmer. Granted, hers is miniature-scale farming operation in her Eugene, Oregon backyard. But still, she manages to produce at least 26 different kinds of beans each summer. She says, “I’m a magpie, attracted to pretty bright things—that’s beans!” A road trip to the Southwest was the catalyst for her bean-farming […]