Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in United Kingdom


35 PERCENT INCREASE IN HOMEOWNERS WANTING A GREENHOUSE TO ‘GROW THEIR OWN’ SINCE LOCKDOWN LANCASHIRE-BASED MANUFACTURER LAUNCHES SAME-DAY ‘VIRTUAL HOME VISITS’ TO DEAL WITH DEMAND   Historic Glasshouse and Greenhouse manufacturer Hartley Botanic is experiencing a renewed demand from homeowners in their beautiful, handmade Greenhouses during lockdown, as the benefit of being more self-sufficient and […]

Written in United Kingdom

Important tips for growing crops in greenhouses

A greenhouse of foliage and flowering plants is easy to tend. Naturally you water, feed occasionally, maybe dead-head and sometimes propagate. It’s important to open and close ventilation unless you have an automatic set-up. And to keep watch for pests or diseases, and then take action. The care required is not huge however it increases […]

Written in United Kingdom

May means sowing, growing and ‘hardening off’.

Now’s the time to sow outdoor cucumber like ‘Marketmore’, marrow, squashes, pumpkins (vertically on edge, not laid flat like a surf board) individually in 7.5cm pots plus French and Runner beans and Sweetcorn in gentle heat in peat substitute seed compost or sieved multipurpose compost in a propagator, ready for planting out once the danger […]

Yes, You Can Get Your Seeds and Plants

Home gardening has seen an amazing surge of interest in these demanding times, and the horticultural industry is rising to meet the challenges. Hartley greenhouses are now back into production after a month’s hiatus; mail-order nurseries are hustling to keep up with orders; and local garden centers are figuring out how to safely serve their […]

Written in United Kingdom

Five ways to get your veg garden going quickly

I have never quite swung into filling my greenhouse with seedlings and plants so quickly in a season before. There is an urgency to this year: we have been forced to be less dependent on the supermarkets, but also need to stay in great health. Growing what vegetables we can feels necessary now. But don’t […]

Social Distance in the Garden

Whatever the outcome of this current deadly disruption, corona virus has certainly focused many minds on the meaning of life–and on getting stuff done. Without the opportunity to procrastinate, tasks and projects in the Clarke household are being completed in record time; like clearing up the greenhouse, sorting the seed from the dust, the compost […]

Written in United Kingdom


HISTORIC GLASSHOUSE & GREENHOUSE MANUFACTURER HARTLEY BOTANIC REVEALS WHAT YOU COULD BE GROWING & EATING Imagine being able to access an abundance of absolutely delicious vegetables and fruit every time you step into your garden? Thanks to our British climate, this wouldn’t be consistently possible for those growing outdoors, but for those who own a […]