Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Growing and Propagating Chrysanthemums

Stores full of beautifully mounded chrysanthemums is a sign that fall is arriving. If you buy some of these mums for a colorful fall display, you shouldn’t just toss them out when the flowers fade. Greenhouse owners can easily keep these plants going and also propagate more of them. Here’s how. First, you should know […]

Don’t Let Your Plants Wilt

During summer, greenhouse plants need a lot of attention. Temperatures inside a greenhouse can easily soar to over 100oF (38oC) even with all the windows and doors open. Such heat can significantly stress your plants. The problem with high heat is that it causes water in plants to get quickly depleted through transpiration. Transpiration is […]

Growing Tomatoes: What You Should Know

In a few weeks, many greenhouse owners will be buying and planting tomato seeds, and as always, they will be confronted with a bewildering array of varieties to choose from. They can buy hybrid or heirloom tomatoes, determinate or indeterminate ones, and these come in a vast array of sizes, colors, designated uses, and methods […]

Plants for the Beginning Greenhouse Gardener

If you’ve just acquired a new greenhouse, what plants should you choose for it? This can be a tough decision for beginning greenhouse gardeners because of the great diversity of options available. The best approach may be to actually embrace that diversity. By this I mean picking one or two varieties from major categories of […]

Top Tips for your first days with a new greenhouse

Getting your first greenhouse can be very exciting, but it can also make you a bit apprehensive when you realize there may be more to greenhouse gardening than you initially thought. Where will I get enough plants to fill my new greenhouse? And what kinds of plants are best suited to it? Should I worry […]

Repotting Cymbidium Orchids

Cymbidiums are beautiful flowering plants in the orchid family, featuring many showy flowers arranged on unbranched stems. For the winter greenhouse these orchids are a favorite. They are also very popular as cut flowers during the winter months. Typically, they come into bloom in late January through March when little else is in bloom. When […]