Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in United Kingdom

How can I create a great greenhouse scent?

When I first fell in love with greenhouses, it was a combination of the earthy aroma coupled with the plant fragrances. But it wasn’t the floral perfumes that tantalise my sense of smell; it was the spicy notes of aromatic foliage that transported me into this leafy world of wonder. If I could bottle the […]

Written in United Kingdom

Why keeping honeybees won’t save the bees

Keeping honeybees to save the bees just won’t cut it and here’s why, says Jean Vernon. Bees, as we know, are in deep trouble. Dubbed the modern coalmine canary; their spiraling demise has scientists, naturalists and environmentalists running scared. Become a beekeeper?? The knee jerk reaction by many well-meaning bee supporters has been to take […]

Written in United Kingdom

Why do plants grow better in a greenhouse?

If there’s a greenhouse on your Christmas list you might need to convince a non-believer in their worth. Jean Vernon helps you state your case A gardener without a greenhouse is a bit like a cook without a stove. Yes you can manage, improvise and still be creative, but the greenhouse facilitates much more than […]

Written in United Kingdom

What are the health benefits of Gardening?

Those of us who garden, know that there is something very special and very healing about our hobby. Gardeners have known that gardening has health benefits for years but sometimes find it difficult to quantify or justify it. Finally scientists are now agreeing that nature bathing, or spending time in nature is good for us […]

Written in United Kingdom

What’s the difference between Compost and compost?

Are you confused about compost? Jean Vernon unravels the mystery If you watched the ITV documentary last month about garden centres, you could be forgiven for being confused about compost. In fact compost is one of the most misunderstood subjects in gardening and that’s mostly because of what we call it. There are two totally […]