Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in United Kingdom

April is the month when seed sowing is in full swing.

From now on the weather should begin to warm as spring progresses (note the use of the word ‘should’…. you never know these days!). Sow broad beans, spinach, cabbage, calabrese, kohlrabi, cauliflower, lettuce, peas for pods and shoots onions, salad onions, turnip, radish, beetroot, leeks, leaf beet and chard in the greenhouse. From the middle […]

Written in United Kingdom

Bubble wrap the inside of your greenhouse-us

Open greenhouse vents for as long as possible on mild sunny days, shutting them before temperatures drop early in the afternoon. The combination of high temperatures and low light makes leaves and stems soft, spindly and prone to grey mould which spreads rapidly in cool, damp conditions. Though good air circulation is vital, avoid chilling […]

Written in United Kingdom

Flowers and vegetables – the productive greenhouse in winter.

It’s still not too late to sow batches of winter salads every week or two in an unheated greenhouse. Growing them in trays, pots, old growing bags or borders as ‘cut and come again’ crops to harvest through autumn and into winter. Try hardy salads like land cress, radish, carrots for leaves, any of the […]

Written in United Kingdom

End of season sowing and other things to do.

Check your greenhouse heater to make sure that it works before the cold nights set in, have a roll of horticultural fleece on standby and pay attention to the weather forecast. It is worth investing in a back-up heater, too. There is nothing worse than being caught out by a sudden early frost Leave chillies […]

Written in United Kingdom

Talking tomatoes – and more…

Early in the month, especially if it is warm and sunny, sow trays, pots or old growing bags with ‘cut and come again crops’ to harvest through autumn and into winter, think land cress, oriental salads, like pak choi, mizuna and mibuna greens plus lettuce, lamb’s lettuce, chicory and radish. You can also use what’s […]

Written in United Kingdom

It’s time to harvest… and sow

Sow Fennel, oriental vegetables like mizuna greens and Pak Choi, rocket, coriander dill, spinach, claytonia and land cress, in modules as soon as you can in August. These will germinate quickly and can be planted out by mid-August for an Autumn harvest. Blossom End Rot, where the end of tomatoes becomes circular, black and flattened, […]

Written in United Kingdom

Feeding, watering and ‘pinching out’

After a wet, cold May and low light, let’s hope plants and people can finally enjoy some sunshine. Aubergines, peppers and chillies should be transplanted into pots one or two sizes larger once they have formed a good root system but before they become pot bound. Transplant repeatedly until they reach a final pot size […]

Written in United Kingdom

Look ahead to spring – take two!

Although we should be looking forward to May, it’s impossible not to comment on April’s extraordinary weather where conditions were totally alien gardeners in warmer parts of the UK. First sowings were abandoned or delayed and the ground was too cold and dry for transplanting. I have never known anything like it! First of all, […]