Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Best New Plants to Grow this Year

Nine Newcomers for Every Gardener’s Wish-List As a garden writer, I get to grow new plant introductions when they first come to market. But not all the freebies fare equally well in my garden. After a long cold Northwest winter and spring, here are the best and brightest. They not only survived—they thrived. Look for […]

Slug and Snail Control- Winning the Slugfest in Your Garden

April is the cruelest month, if only because that’s when slugs and snails start to proliferate. Usually, in this column I seek out an expert to follow, but as far as these slimy underleaf denizens are concerned, I am an expert. After all, I live in Eugene, Oregon, where every year we crown our own […]

Tiny Orchids are Greenhouse Jewels

Orchids stand apart. At flower shows these movie stars of the plant world gather under the lights, their jewel-tone speckled faces shining. But I confess— Orchidaceae’s astonishing allure has always passed me by. However, that changed last month, when my friend Ann Murphy, Director of Marketing for the Oregon Association of Nurseries, invited me to […]

Banish Bugs in your Greenhouse

Pest control starts long before the question- “What do I spray?” This month greenhouses take center stage in the gardening year. However, insects can come along with the show. I’ve turned to Sue Nicol, a Seattle consulting horticulturalist and arborist ([email protected]) for advice on indoor pest management. Sue says, the first question all greenhouse owners […]

Fragrance Success in the Greenhouse

One whiff of fragrant plants in winter and I’m transported far beyond the gray and white landscape outside my windows. The exotic aromas, redolent of the tropics, develop fully when captured within the enclosed walls of a greenhouse or sunroom. But I don’t want clashes of strong scents – think how your nose reacts when […]

Best Gifts for Gardeners – Practical, unusual and creative holiday surprises

I live with a family of non-gardeners. As the holiday time approaches, I can see my husband and grown children looking at me speculatively, gift-buying puzzlement in their eyes “What shall I get her that she’ ll really like?” So this year, instead of making them guess, I’m sharing my wish list. And I hope […]

Got Clay Soil? Gravel to the Rescue

September is often touted as the month when you can plant hardy perennials, shrubs and trees, giving their root systems a good start while the soil is warm. Even if you’re already thinking about restocking the greenhouse, you can still prepare your outdoor garden by adding amendments, and loosening the ground to get a jump-start […]

Tips for Better Bouquets – unusual plant materials make arrangements pop

Summer’s horticultural bounty makes it easy to decorate your home with the contents of your garden and greenhouse. But annual and perennial flowers are not the only candidates for the best displays. Alongside your favorite black-eyed Susans, lilies, and bunches of sweetly scented roses, consider adding colorful foliage, boughs and berries from shrubs and grasses […]

Photograph your Garden like a Pro – Tips from Robin Bachtler Cushman

Each year a moment arrives when your garden calls out to be photographed. Suddenly those cascading branches of ‘Snowmound’ spirea create a colorful explosion next to vivid yellow daylilies and bright purple sparks of chive blossoms. Get out the camera! But how can you create a shot that rivals those fabulous magazine photos? Over the […]

Grafted Vegetables – You’re going to want them

Grafted what? OK, as home gardeners, most of us are familiar with grafting apples, roses or grapes for disease resistance and vigor. But right now, around the world—from Japan to India, Israel to Greece and New Zealand—commercial growers are grafting hybrid rootstocks (bottoms) to single-season scions (tops) like watermelons, eggplants or tomatoes. Within a few […]