Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in United Kingdom

Last orders for the Festive season.

This image is a testament to climate change! Harvest any crops which remain in the unheated greenhouse. Start Amaryllis bulbs into growth as soon as you can, watering sparingly at first; just trickle a little tepid water around the bulb, increasing the amount as the bud appears. Once it is growing strongly, keep the compost […]

Written in United Kingdom

Is it time to rethink the Christmas tree?

It’s the focal point in most homes at Christmas, but is the traditional Christmas tree an essential ingredient for the festive season? With the cost-of-living crisis biting some families hard, every purchase at this time of year needs scrutiny and that includes our festive decorations. You don’t need a statement Christmas tree to complete your […]