Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Take care when choosing position of greenhouse or veg patch

Would-be gardeners looking to start growing their own vegetable gardens should begin by having their soil tested and preparing and acquiring the right tools, according to fredricksburg.com. The website recently published an article advising those who wish to start growing their own food. It suggested that gardeners position their vegetable plot in a sunny area […]

Master Gardeners launches kids’ competition

A competition has been launched in lower Columbia to awaken young people‘s interest in gardening. The Value Gardens Poster Contest is open to kids from grade one to grade 12 and requires them to create a poster based on the theme, “Why do people garden?” According to TDN.com, first place in each category receives $50 […]

Time to start preparing for spring

With spring fast-approaching, gardeners have a limited amount of preparation time left to ensure they are ready for the growing season. Horticulturalist Dr William Johnson recently advised readers of the Galveston Daily News that tomatoes are one of the easiest crops to grow and February is the best time to plant. He explained that there […]

Spring brings gardening tutorials back to life

As winter begins to fade, a host of gardening events are likely to spring up around the US, with countless garden and greenhouse tips to be gained from top professionals. One such occurrence is the annual Spring Gardening Workshop in Branson, Missouri. The event will include a number of presentations hosted by the Master Gardeners […]

Great time to educate kids in the garden and greenhouse

As spring approaches, garden expert Jane Ford has been encouraging readers of news-sentinal.com to introduce their children and grandchildren to the pleasures of gardening. Ms Ford suggests that kids are like sponges ready to be filled with information and that passing on gardening and greenhouse skills is a worthwhile way of helping them grow. “Children […]

Gardening can help keep the elderly well

Following the recent study that showed gardening could benefit the male sex drive, separate research has shown that regular effort in the garden and greenhouse could be beneficial to older people‘s general health. The study, carried out by Kansas State University researchers and published in HortTechnology, noted that certain activities such as raking, digging and […]

Master Gardeners hosts seminars

Gardeners in Galveston County, Texas, will soon have the opportunity to attend a number of seminars that will help them improve their garden and greenhouse skills. The seven classes are being laid on by the Galveston County Master Gardeners and will kick off with a useful kitchen gardens seminar. Attendees will be treated to an […]

Garden and Lawn Maintenance in the Autumn

Autumn is main seasons for lawn maintenance. Rake out the ‘thatch‘ or dead grass and moss that has accumulated over the mowing season using a wire rake or lawn rake from the tool hire shop. To save money, you could hire it and share the use and cost with several friends. Spike compacted areas with […]

‘Caterpillars’ credited with helping vegetables to thrive in Alaska

While real caterpillars may well be unwelcome visitors in some gardens, caterpillar-style coverings can vegetables keep safe all year round. That is according to one Alaskan gardening expert, who has advised green-fingered enthusiasts in Kodiak to build their own 'caterpillars' – essentially little more than small tunnels crafted from plastic sheeting secured over PVC hoops. […]

‘Choose large container plants’ for visual effect

Gardeners have been advised to keep large container-grown plants to help make a visual impact. According to 9news.com, doing so can enhance the effect of smaller flowers, while the bigger plants can also be kept under glass in a greenhouse or behind a window during winter to save them for the next spring and summer. […]