Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Gardening can help keep the elderly well

Following the recent study that showed gardening could benefit the male sex drive, separate research has shown that regular effort in the garden and greenhouse could be beneficial to older people‘s general health. The study, carried out by Kansas State University researchers and published in HortTechnology, noted that certain activities such as raking, digging and […]

Master Gardeners hosts seminars

Gardeners in Galveston County, Texas, will soon have the opportunity to attend a number of seminars that will help them improve their garden and greenhouse skills. The seven classes are being laid on by the Galveston County Master Gardeners and will kick off with a useful kitchen gardens seminar. Attendees will be treated to an […]

Garden and Lawn Maintenance in the Autumn

Autumn is main seasons for lawn maintenance. Rake out the ‘thatch‘ or dead grass and moss that has accumulated over the mowing season using a wire rake or lawn rake from the tool hire shop. To save money, you could hire it and share the use and cost with several friends. Spike compacted areas with […]

‘Caterpillars’ credited with helping vegetables to thrive in Alaska

While real caterpillars may well be unwelcome visitors in some gardens, caterpillar-style coverings can vegetables keep safe all year round. That is according to one Alaskan gardening expert, who has advised green-fingered enthusiasts in Kodiak to build their own 'caterpillars' – essentially little more than small tunnels crafted from plastic sheeting secured over PVC hoops. […]

‘Choose large container plants’ for visual effect

Gardeners have been advised to keep large container-grown plants to help make a visual impact. According to 9news.com, doing so can enhance the effect of smaller flowers, while the bigger plants can also be kept under glass in a greenhouse or behind a window during winter to save them for the next spring and summer. […]

‘No rest for gardeners’ in fall

Garden and greenhouse enthusiasts cannot afford to rest on their laurels, it has been suggested. With the arrival of fall, a number of maintenance and planning tasks need addressed, according to the Examiner. Growers were told they can save themselves time and stress in the spring by planting some varieties now. It stated planting autumnal […]

‘Not too late’ to make the most of pumpkins

While many pumpkins may have been picked and carved up for Halloween displays by now, gardeners could still be keeping some aside for culinary purposes. These are likely to still be growing – and there are plenty of tasks to be getting on with for green-fingered enthusiasts if they wish to make the most of […]

‘Now is the time’ to water your fruit trees

People who love to spend time in their greenhouses should be sure to give their fruit trees plenty of water, according to one source. Ciscoe Morris, writing in the Home and Garden section of the Seattle Times, has offered some advice to give dwindling fruit trees a boost. He says plants have been thinned but […]

‘Teach kids garden and greenhouse techniques’ for safety

Horticulture enthusiasts have been given tips on how to make their garden and greenhouse safer for kids. An article in the Examiner suggested the first rule should be educating youngsters about how to behave there. It suggests procuring some tools they are able to use to get them involved with what you are growing – […]